Back on December 24, 2019 I had a dream and I entitled it “LASER CLUSTER-MISSILE“. I posted it to my “dreams and visions” Blog. I will insert a link to that dream at the end of this post.

I had the dream before the Corona-virus was made known to the public and the shelter in place and so-called world-wide lock-down was enacted. So, I knew the dream to be surreal and bizarre. I knew, too, that it was from God. It was very vivid. 

I am going to give the interpretation of the dream here and then send you on over to the original dream. Be sure to go there.

Firstly, in the dream, I am interacting with the world, in the world. Secondly, a preliminary (wake-up call, if you will) comes on the world. People start to fall dead around me.  God is showing just a very small taste of the end-time events that are are sure to come. 

The next scene in the dream (there were four separate scenes) I found myself  safely enclosed in an egg-shaped pod. This is akin to This.

The fourth and final scene has to do with stairs and entering again into the company of people going about their business. 

My initial interpretation of scene number four was that I was just re-entering the world but further thought and Revelation has me re-thinking that. 

As you know, those of us in the Church are eagerly anticipating the the return of the Lord. That may be what I was shown. Remember, though, we don’t know the date or time. 

Okay, now to “LASER CLUSTER MISSILE.” When I had the dream, The Lord impressed upon me that the world was being attacked by a laser cluster missile. Now, I had to sort through some things to make some sort of sense as to what He meant. Frankly, until COVID-19 (The Corona-virus) was revealed the only light that I had was of cruel mechanical weaponry. You know, bullets and bombs.

After seeing a picture of the virus, I knew immediately that it was the weapon in the dream. Briefly, if you pay close attention, you will see the laser like accuracy related to the  multiple individual ways for it to attack the body and  the projectile attributes of having been sneezed or coughed. I am going to send you over to YouTube to see a video of the laser cluster missile. 

Here is the dream.