The concept of The Subconscious Mind is largely if not totally a myth. The term was apparently coined about 160 years ago or so and is generally thought to be a layer/layers of consciousness underneath the layers of critical-thought functions of the so called conscious mind. Now of course if the concept is a myth, then everything that you have been taught about it needs to be re-thought. While there is, nor can be any documented scientific support for this concept, there is a lot of valid documented historical information related to this subject; though putting a different spin on it and taking it in an entirely different direction. I am going to present here an initial outline of the what (who) is really at work here and if you follow along, you will be eternally empowered and rewarded.

Folks such as Napoleon Hill “Think and Grow Rich”, Psychologists Gavin De Becker and Pierre Janet as well as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung also reference the subconscious mind. A contemporary Brian Tracy ( apparently teaches extensively on this topic.

Okay, here is the truth, what is often referred to as The Subconscious Mind is the spirit of man (man is spirit, soul and body) Gen 2:7, 1 Thessalonians 5:23. It (he) is the depository of everything that we have ever been exposed to and is the essence of who we are relative to how this information was voluntarily or involuntarily (degree to which it is “checked at the door”) allowed to influence our spirit; 2 Corinthians 10:5. Memory resides within the spirit and is provided when called up by the brain. The spirit basically works on its’ (his) own in an automatic fashion based on what he has been commanded to do either voluntarily or involuntarily. Interestingly voluntary control of the spirit results in involuntary control of the mind (will) by the spirit. Our desire should be to be spirit lead in our actions. This would make for a purer and more profitable life. Just as the Spirit of God created (re-created) the world Gen 1:2-3, it is our spirit who brings things into manifestation for us. Our thoughts and imagination have much weight in this regard.

I have plenty more to say about this but need to add these three substantial attributes (functions) of the spirit: communion, our direct interaction with God, conscience a built in mechanism that warns us corrects and reprimands us to do the right thing and intuition the somehow knowing things (because they are revealed by the spirit) such as “don’t go that way”, or “be weary of that person”, or  “take your umbrella”.

As Arnie would say; “I’ll be back”.