Walking Throughout The Whole Earth

This morning I lifted my eyes and my voice toward God’s Throne as I usually do. 

I started out praying the Lord’s Prayer. I usually yield my vessel after this to God so that He might say a word or two into the earth realm for Kingdom purposes. God had plenty to say today. 

As God spoke and did His work, he took me along with him in the Spirit as He walked throughout the earth. 

As I spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave the Utterance, we went from place to place. In many countries, I heard God speak and I saw Salvation happen where those previously beguiled were now enlighten. Where storms were present, I saw the power of His word calming the storms and comforting the people. 

He was not wasting His time but was moving fast from situation to situation and speaking Rhema words that healed little children, brought deliverance to the tormented, stayed wars and worked many other works as was His good pleasure. 

It is important to remember from this is that without my help these works could have gone undone. 

I say these works could have gone undone because had I not been available for God to work through, He could have used YOU. Yes, He could have used you if you are Spirit filled and not adverse to co-laboring with the All Mighty (Most High) in the completion of what is certainly His end time work. 

Let us Praise Him forevermore.